Civic Learning Week: Exploring the Power of Civic Education
The Maryland Democracy Initiative and the Maryland Civic Education Coalition are proud to collaborate with CivX Now to celebrate Civic Learning Week (March 4-10, 2025)—a national initiative bringing together educators, students, and civic leaders to highlight the role of civic education in streng
View Event Details for Civic Learning Week: Exploring the Power of Civic EducationTruth Under Siege: Building Information Resilience
In an era of disinformation, it’s becoming harder for citizens to distinguish fact from fiction. Why do lies seem to spread faster than the truth? When does debunking falsehoods work, and when does it backfire?
View Event Details for Truth Under Siege: Building Information ResilienceBig Ten Democracy Summit
The School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan invite you to the Big Ten Collaboration’s first-ever Democracy Summit, February 10-11.
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Debbie Haryono
A Summit on News, Civic Participation & Democracy
A new national study of 3,000 Americans by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago will be the focus in mid-November of an invitation-only, post-election roundtable of columnists, political journalists, civic engagement and political science scholars.
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Maja Durkovic

Sonia Vargas